Beginning the journey toward a healthy, beautiful and more confident smile with our orthodontist at O'Keiff Orthodontics is exciting. Whether you’ve chosen one of several types of braces, or clear aligners, it’s a journey that requires commitment. Realigning the teeth and jaws is a subtle process
that unfolds over time, and we realize our patients need some motivational tips to help them focus on the long-term goals we’re achieving, so here are a few we hope will help.
- Routine maintenance: Consistency is the key to maintaining good oral hygiene during treatment, so it’s critical that you develop and stick to a daily routine of brushing and flossing with braces, or cleaning your clear aligners. That means staying on schedule while away from home for the day or while on vacation.
- Visualize the finish line: Don’t let temporary discomfort or impatience blur the long-term goal of straighter teeth that look terrific, are comfortable when you eat and speak, and are easier to clean.
- Celebrate your progress by taking pictures showing improvements at different stages of treatment. Don’t forget to reward yourself for reaching milestones during treatment — as long as that reward doesn't include hard or sticky foods that can sidetrack your success.
- Supporting cast: You’re not in this alone! Reach out to your friends, family, and our orthodontist for encouragement. If you're facing difficulties, don’t keep them to yourself.
- There’s an app for that: Some dental hygiene apps contain features for orthodontic patients that can help track your progress.
- Seek comfort: If your braces are uncomfortable at first, try using orthodontic wax, or over-the-counter pain relievers recommended by our orthodontist.
Our orthodontist at O'Keiff Orthodontics encourages you to view our work together as an investment in your health and well-being, not to mention a huge boost in your self-esteem. It’s an investment that takes time to grow, but will yield beautiful benefits for many years to come! Please contact us if you have any questions or would like an appointment.